Sunday, May 29, 2011

Blogger crisis

OMG! Writer and artists have their crisis and of course other activities also have insomnia but I know too little about them.
Writes and artists sometimes fear not being creative anymore; they fear the white page; they blank, meaning they simply find it impossible to start any kind of work; when they finish a book or after the opening of an exhibition, some of them feel sad because they start asking: "now what?."
They work all the time, even when they are not painting or writing. Writers, at least some I knew, look at what is going around them taking mental notes and I have already catch one of them looking at me taking notes only to read at the next book the description of a woman drying her hair, or... I don't remember but more two things I'm sure it was written from these mental notes he took from watching me. I felt terrible at that time.
Painters, when not working, think about their work in a different way but you can feel they are a little anxious, sometimes a moving one foot quickly, that part of their minds are around but the other part is at that space where all their works are together asking them: "what now?" or something of this kind.
I forgot about the blogger crisis. I'll write about it in another post.


Amelia said...

Interesting. I have never met either.


Amelia said...

Hey Ana. You asked in my blog about my son and why I had to call the police. I don't have an e-mail for you so I will just tell you here.

My son has been diagnosed with Reactive Attachment Disorder, Bi Polar Disorder, and ADHD. He has violent outbursts and he hits, punches, kicks, head buts, spits, screams, cusses, and anything else he can do that will hurt.

Well the other day he almost broke my nose when he punched me. Also his outburst lasted so long (about an hour) that I could no longer control him. I had no choice but to call the police because I needed help.

My son is only 8 years old but he is getting older and stronger. I have to restrain him at times but because he is getting bigger, he is able to slip out of my grip more and more.

Now when he is not having an outburst, he is a normal little boy. It's a very conflicting relationship between us. It is very hard for me to handle at times. All I can do is hope that things get better over time.


Ana said...

I'll never understand why they don't have one diagnose: " Reactive Attachment Disorder, Bi Polar Disorder, and ADHD"
it is so strange!
I'm sorry you're having all these to carry. It is a lot.
Is he taking any drug? What was the first symptom?
8 years old... it is too young.
O God! I wish I was a psychiatrist and could help people.

Ana said...

My e-mail is

cookingvarieties said...

hi ana, I guess the easiest way is to do, is the facebook way, just click all the way, so fast that there is no time to really think, what they actually “click”: for.. and we may get 10,000 clicks like the revolutioners fb page. Ha ha are we ready and willing to go thru this in our blogs..

cos I am having a tough time too, trying to put great comments on writers and poetry blogs like yours and balqis…mind boggling enough at times, may be you call that commentator;s mental block/ crisis ..ha ha not just bloggers block/ crisis..

Ana said...

What I did is having some posts at draft... hehe